Shappio Help Center / Products / Product Categories

Product Categories

With categories, you can easily group similar products together. You can categorize your items based on their common traits. There are three levels of categories to choose from:

  • Category - Main Category
    • Sub Category - 2nd level
      • Sub Category - 3rd level

Sub-categories are a necessary part of category organization, as products can only be assigned to sub-categories. Therefore, each category should have at least one sub-category.

Add a new category

To add a new product category:

  1. From your Shappio admin, go to Products > Product Categories
  2. Click Add New Category
  3. In Add New Category popup, enter the name of the new category
  4. Select Products View from List View and Grid View
    Products View sets the default display style of products list in a category
  5. Enter the URL of your product category or simply use the Auto-Generate URL option to generate a unique SEO optimized URL of your product category
  6. Enter SEO related content. If left blank, category name and description is used by default
  7. Click Save

Add a sub-category

To add a new subcategory:

  1. From your Shappio admin, go to Products > Product Categories
  2. From the product categories list, click New Sub Category in front of the parent category
  3. In Add Sub Category popup, the parent category is selected by default
  4. Enter the name of the new subcategory
  5. Select Products View from List View and Grid View
    Products View sets the default display style of the products list in a category
  6. Enter the URL of your product category or use the Auto-Generate URL option to generate a unique SEO-optimized URL of your product category.
  7. Enter SEO-related content. If left blank, the category name and description are used by default.
  8. Click Save