Shappio Help Center / Products / Product Details

Product Details

How you fill out a product's information affects how it is displayed to customers, streamlines your product management, and improves your customers' ability to locate the right product. While some fields are not required, providing complete information is highly recommended.

Basic Information

Name – Choose a name that best represents your product and is appealing to your customers.

Description – Write a brief description of your product that conveys its main features and benefits to your customers.

Product Code – Use a unique alphanumeric code to identify your product. This code will be used to search and retrieve your product information, so choosing a code that is easy to remember and type is important.

Product Category – Assign a category to your product to help organize it with similar products. You can create categories based on product type, color, size, or any other criteria that make sense for your business. If you don't assign a category, your product will be automatically categorized as "Uncategorized."

Brand – Specify the manufacturer or vendor of your product. This information will help you track inventory and filter your product list based on brand. Make sure to add your brand to the "Brands" section before assigning it to your product.

Product URL – Provide a URL for your product page on your website. You can either use a URL of your choice or generate one automatically for better SEO optimization.

Detailed Description – Provide a detailed description of your product, including its unique features, benefits, and specifications. Avoid using duplicate content from other websites, which can harm your search engine visibility.

Product Highlights – Highlight the key selling points of your product in bullet points. This will help customers quickly understand why they should choose your product over others.


Price – Set the price for your product in your chosen currency. You can adjust the currency settings in the "General" section.

Purchase Price(Cost) – This is the original price of your product, which you can use for your own record-keeping. It will not be displayed to customers.

Compare Price – If you enter a purchase price, your product will display a sale price with a strikethrough of the original price and a discount percentage that applies.

Shipping Charges – Set a flat shipping charge for your product that will be added to the order whenever it is purchased. This will override any shipping price rules set in the shipping calculator.


Our inventory management system lets you keep track of your product inventory and manage it efficiently using our stock statuses.

Track Inventory – With our system, you can easily keep track of your available stock. Every time an order is confirmed, the available stock is automatically deducted.

Available Stock – You can see the currently available stock of your products at a glance. If you have product variants, you can manage the inventory for each variant separately.

Reorder Point – Our system offers an inventory control field that allows you to set a re-order point. You'll receive auto-generated alerts when the inventory level of a product falls below or equals the given point. This helps you restock your products quickly.

Stock Status – If you prefer not to track inventory, you can still manage the stock status of your products manually. We offer three stock statuses to choose from:

  • In Stock
  • Out of Stock
  • On Order Only (Use this status if you don’t keep the product in stock and only arrange it on order)

Custom Fields

Our custom fields feature lets you add extra fields to your products beyond the standard ones. This is particularly useful for products that have unique attributes, such as books that may require an ISBN number, publisher, and author information.

You can create and assign multiple custom fields to a single product and add multiple values to each custom field. For instance, an ISBN field might have a single value, such as "398-2-65-397558-2," whereas an Author field could contain multiple names, like "Nick Carter" and "Michelle Alex."

You can manage Custom Fields from the Custom Fields section.

Other Details

Weight (Optional) – Please provide the actual weight of the product. This information is required to calculate shipping rates accurately.

Warranty (Optional) – If applicable, please provide the details of the product's warranty. This information will be displayed on the product page.

Video – Please provide the link to a video of the product. This can be a YouTube or any other video site link.

Web Link – Please provide the manufacturer's website link for additional product information.

Product Tags – Please add relevant product tags, such as the product name or any special tag that may help customers find the product easily.

Special Note  If you have any special message for the buyers, please provide it here.


Please select the collections in which you want the product to be displayed. The collections include Featured Products, Recently Added, and New Arrivals.

Deal / Limited Time Offer

Use this option to provide limited-time deals to customers. A deal-end countdown timer will be displayed on the product page and listings.

Deal Start/End Date – Please provide the start and end times of the deal. The deal will only appear on the website during this period, after which it will disappear.