Product images are an essential element of any online store, providing customers with a visual representation of your products. The most commonly used file type for product images is JPEG, which offers a good balance of quality and file size.
The appearance of your product images on your online store will depend on a variety of factors, including the size and resolution of the images, the placement of the images within your product pages, and the design of your store's theme.
Image Size - Your product images can be of any size up to 2048 x 2048 pixels. Product images must be less than 2 MB in size to be added to the store.
Main Image - The first image for each product is also called the featured or main image. The featured image is shown on the product listing, the cart page, the checkout page, and your home page.
Shappio allows you to upload multiple product images, typically up to 4 per product. This can help give customers a complete view of your products, showcasing different angles, details, or color options.
When you upload a product image, Shappio automatically creates different sizes or versions for use in different areas of your online store. For example, the larger version of an image will be used on the product detail page, where customers can view the product in detail and zoom in for a closer look. Meanwhile, a smaller, more compact version of the same image may be used as a thumbnail on the product listings page, where a larger image is unnecessary and may slow down load times.
To add an image to a product:
If you add more than one image, then the first one added is your product's main image. You can set a new main image by selecting a different image.