Shappio Help Center / Products / Product Order Fields

Product Order Fields

To customize their order, customers are prompted to fill out a list of specific fields during the order placement process. You can create a custom list of fields and add them to the order form, along with a help image to guide customers through the process.

Please note that you must link a custom list to products for which you want a customer to provide specifications.

Add custom order fields

To add a custom field list:

  1. From your Shappio admin, go to Advanced > Product Order Fields
  2. Click Add New List
  3. In Add New List popup, enter the name of the new custom list.
  4. Click Add List
  5. Optionally browse a help image for your list of customers (e.g., Size Chart)

To add a custom field to the list:

  1. Enter field name
  2. Select Field Type
    Field type indicates how the input will be taken from the customer. For example, short text input, a drop-down list, or a checkbox list. 
  3. If Field Type is selected as Drop down list, check box list or radio button list, you’ll be asked to provide the list values.
  4. Add values separated by a comma.
  5. Click Save.