Still confused about what Shappio offers? Here are some of the most frequently asked questions.

You can use your own domain name, such as mystore.com, with the Shappio store. We also provide a free Shappio.com domain (e.g. store.myshappio.com) at the time of sign-up.
No, you will not have to buy a web hosting service separately, as Shappio offers fully hosted stores.
Your site and data are completely secure with Shappio, as we offer complete encryption of your data so that you can experience industry-standard security.
You do not need coding knowledge to build your ecommerce store on Shappio.
If you are using Shappio ecommerce store builder, you will not need a web developer as Shappio is highly intuitive and offers fully developed stores.
No, we also provide you with a free SSL certificate as it’s part of our services. The SSL gets activated upon the purchase of a plan and your account activation.
Shappio has integrated all the leading payment solutions into its platform. It comes with multiple payment options such as credit cards, PayPal, cash on delivery, bank transfers, and other payment channels.
No, there are no charges for setting up your account with Shappio.
Shappio understands the need for the customer so we take free trial a step further by offering a freemium package. You can access all the features of the platform for free and pay as you earn.
There is no support fee. Shappio offers completely free live support.
Yes, you can definitely upgrade or downgrade your plan at any given time.
Whenever you decide to cancel your subscription with Shappio, you can easily cancel anytime.
A custom domain is not included in the package. However, if you already own a domain or want to buy one, our support team will assist you in purchasing and configuring that domain with your Shappio store.
The prices mentioned in the plans on our website are exhaustive and do not include any additional or hidden charges.

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